Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What I have learned (updated 8/2/2014)

Vermox antiparasitic
Ampicillin antibiotics
Tetracycline antibiotics
Bay Leaves
Vitamins, Minerals, H20, Oxygen (healthy eating, healthy mind)

OH & MARIJUANNA REALLY HELPS AS WELL.. did I leave that important fact out of all my many post? I do apologize ;)

my scalp symptoms are definitely parasitic..

took vermox last year and most muscle spasms stopped

scalp suddenly began being really active last few weeks after a long break so I took two Rx Vermox pills (got last ones on Ebay), one Friday, the other Saturday and will take another in 2wks (actually has been almost two weeks now). They are one dose pills.. I took 2 for good measure. Right away I felt the die off. That damn active spot started up first. 2nd pill there was much less reaction but really did need 2nd pill. Crazy how many dancing fibers came out yesterday. Freaky that they were still dancing. Urgh!

from scalp (fuzz ball and fishing line like fiber) and fishing line like fiber also came out of belly button

(a few weeks later now and my scalp feels lots of relief..i really needed to take the vermox..I flaked last year and only took 1 pill but did realize my bad muscle spasms pretty much stopped after that 1 pill)the Neosporin with pain relief is awesome on soar spots and may kill or evict some bacteria/parasites, or so it seems anyway. Currently I feel almost 100% with a constant yet slightly annoying scalp problem. Been feelin this well for some time now :) yes that's progress. 4 years later!

1 comment:

  1. <a href=">enerex serrapeptase</a>There is lot of articles on the web about this. But I like yours more, although i found one that’s more descriptive.
