I would have treated myself with these six things first before trying anything else
USP Grade Antibiotics (for at least six months with short breaks (2wks) in between)
B17 Laetrile
oil of Oregano
Noni (Noni is very effective)
Probiotics (very important while taking antibiotics.. I take probiotics at least 4hours after taking antibiotics. And 4hours before taking antibiotics a few times a week while on antibiotics)
Minerals, Multi-Vitamins and vitamin c are things I take regularly and are very important to healing and well being.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Vermox did help but I still need another dose or two. I have not been taking stuff (supplements) everyday. Havent been having much activity although somethings still in there. Im still taking noni, shark cartillige, Garcinia Cambogia (reishi and turmeric on occasion)and sometimes b17 but not 2x a day or even everyday :) the noni, shark cartilage (and possibly the Garcinia Cambogia) seem to affect whatever is still in me.
I did stop giving my dog b17 and she seems to have perked up. Ive also been giving her pine bark, (turmeric and reishi mushroom powder a couple times a week), glucosamine/chondroitin chewie treats and pepto. I also got her pain meds (Rimadyl) which are helping as well. The vitamin B helped her bloat and panting and she's been walking better and happier but still in pain. Maybe its her joints, bones or arthritis. The tumors are mostly gone so I know the b17 works but not sure she felt so great taking it. She kinda resisted opening her mouth for those pills but willing takes the pain meds. Shes been on rimadyl for a week but I gave her oil of oregano yesterday morning and she practically sprinted home from our walk that nite.
Its so nice to feel so close to normal but I know that the problem persists and could return so Im just taking things day by day...BUT YAY! I really hope that everything ive gone thru helps others deal with this much better and quicker than I had to. Im glad im as strong as I am because im alone in this..well im glad I have you all out there. My friends who know im sick never ask me how im doing..EVER. Its like nobody cares. Makes me so sad when I think about it..so I don't :)
by the way..i know the little white garden looking bug came from my scalp (read vermox blog) because I shake my hair out over a black surface regularly when I feel stuff movin out. I used to use a white piece of paper.. sometimes I still do.
oh also something I take makes my palms really flaky. It may have been the b17 because since I stopped taking it..so have the flakes. Think it means my liver is unhappy with whatever it is I'm taking that makes that happen. It happened lots towards the end of treatment while on antibiotics. Like the last few weeks.
I did stop giving my dog b17 and she seems to have perked up. Ive also been giving her pine bark, (turmeric and reishi mushroom powder a couple times a week), glucosamine/chondroitin chewie treats and pepto. I also got her pain meds (Rimadyl) which are helping as well. The vitamin B helped her bloat and panting and she's been walking better and happier but still in pain. Maybe its her joints, bones or arthritis. The tumors are mostly gone so I know the b17 works but not sure she felt so great taking it. She kinda resisted opening her mouth for those pills but willing takes the pain meds. Shes been on rimadyl for a week but I gave her oil of oregano yesterday morning and she practically sprinted home from our walk that nite.
Its so nice to feel so close to normal but I know that the problem persists and could return so Im just taking things day by day...BUT YAY! I really hope that everything ive gone thru helps others deal with this much better and quicker than I had to. Im glad im as strong as I am because im alone in this..well im glad I have you all out there. My friends who know im sick never ask me how im doing..EVER. Its like nobody cares. Makes me so sad when I think about it..so I don't :)
by the way..i know the little white garden looking bug came from my scalp (read vermox blog) because I shake my hair out over a black surface regularly when I feel stuff movin out. I used to use a white piece of paper.. sometimes I still do.
oh also something I take makes my palms really flaky. It may have been the b17 because since I stopped taking it..so have the flakes. Think it means my liver is unhappy with whatever it is I'm taking that makes that happen. It happened lots towards the end of treatment while on antibiotics. Like the last few weeks.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Morgellons Patient on tv show the Dr.s & New Anti-Monsanto app
wake up to the sinister nature of MONSANTO!!!!
this will empower us to say no to Monsanto!
this will empower us to say no to Monsanto!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Vermox update
May 10th 2013
Also the vermox arrived. Took it last nite..too early to tell much..but did have an affect on the remaining symptoms and the spasms in me legs so ya I think those may be worms in there..yuk.. only time will tell but for now I feel like I have accomplished amazing things on my own and my health is best its been in years. The Garcinia Cambogia is working and I'm looking great!
update 5/15/13
vermox seems to help.. but I need more anti-parasitics.. definitely parasites remaining.. now for the parasite fight! a little white bug came out my scalp 2 days later(AFTER VERMOX). I smushed it and saved IT..haven't seen one of those in a couple of years.
the parasites move around lots between 1am and 3 am and during full moons..
watch video Morgellons patient on tv show the dr.s on this blog.
Also the vermox arrived. Took it last nite..too early to tell much..but did have an affect on the remaining symptoms and the spasms in me legs so ya I think those may be worms in there..yuk.. only time will tell but for now I feel like I have accomplished amazing things on my own and my health is best its been in years. The Garcinia Cambogia is working and I'm looking great!
update 5/15/13
vermox seems to help.. but I need more anti-parasitics.. definitely parasites remaining.. now for the parasite fight! a little white bug came out my scalp 2 days later(AFTER VERMOX). I smushed it and saved IT..haven't seen one of those in a couple of years.
the parasites move around lots between 1am and 3 am and during full moons..
watch video Morgellons patient on tv show the dr.s on this blog.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
antibiotics: doxycycline, cephalexin, tetracycline, Bactrim & Tetracycline, ampicillin (amp gets 5 stars!), minocycline
oil of Oregano
vitamin C
Infrered Light therapy (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)
coconut oil
Bay Leaves
baking soda (dont take with vitamin c, wait 4hrs)
Grapeseed extract
cryptolepis S.
dog dewormer {ordered VERMOX the other day (finally a real wormer yay)
Super Lysine
MSM (GOOD STUFF WE ARE DEFICIENT OF) & Vitamin C enhances affects of MSM)
olive leaf extract
grapefruit seed extract (GSE)
Royal Jelly
Infrared light therapy
Youngevity Minerals (only tried 1x so far, had symptom reaction; Morgies are mineral deficient)
Shark Cartiladge
Garcinia Cambogia
Reishi Mushroom Powder
Stay Positive
Apple Cider Vinegar
Pau D'arco
The BAY LEAVES do seem to break up biofilm and free stuff that was stuck. I know the antibiotics helped tremendously!
Colloidal sillver is good but maybe not good for treating Morgellons
currently taking Garcinia Cambogia, Noni, B17, Oil of Oregano (OoO Rocks!), Reishi Mushroom Powder, probiotics & Shark Cartiladge and feel as if one or all of these things combined are doing something good because Im practically symptom free for the first time in years. I have to remind myself to take meds (BIG SMILE)not much comin out of me lately and my scalp is pretty calm..theres still stuff in there but its nothing like it was. The Vermox still has not arrived.(5/9/13 update)
I only took the minocycline for 10 days but I was on all the above antibiotics for months and months.
NOTE [got ulcer from nsaids while also using DryOxy so now i stick with pure oxygen instead since i dont know if the dryoxy gave me the ulcer or not. Ulcer seems to be gone for the most part (after a short time & antibiotics)]
Read more: http://morgellonsgroup.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=remedies&thread=3574&page=1#ixzz2RoIVU2br
XRAY & Laetrile Novodalin B17 and my dogs tumors UPDATE
MY DOG showed high protein levels on a blood test. Doc said could be Cancer. I noticed that my dog had been very tired, panting hard and non active. I ordered novodalin b17. Right away I noticed a positive change in her energy and attitude. It's only been 10 days however the bumps under her skin which just kept getting bigger have stopped growing or have gotten smaller. I also gave her Noni and Reishi mushroom powder that 1st week and she got a bad case of diarrhea. After a process of elimination I have concluded that the Noni was the culprit. So I switched out the Noni for me dog and now give her shark cartiladge & turmeric instead. I sprinkled a small amount of The Reishi and turmeric in her bag of dry food and shook it up..that way i dont have to think about it or worry about forgetting. The b17 (1 pill a day thus far, start with 1/2 every 12 hours for first few days) seems to be mild on my dogs tummy but the reishi, turmeric may be a little harsher. Jurys still out on the Shark cartiladge but it is good stuff. I am taking all this stuff as well and I feel the best I have since this all began 3 years ago. I actually feel that someting Im taking now may be killing the last of the something in me which is super resilient. But only time will tell....seems like i got most of those horrible white things out of my scalp..whew! that was maddening, seriously..constant swirly wiggly movement under the skin.. I MEAN MY GOD.. I never thought it would stop. I still have like 5% - 8% activity remaining but I barely notice it..YAY!
I FINALLY GOT AN XRAY AND GUESS WHAT??? .... it was normal..lol what did I expect? So i get there and of course the lump has moved and is barely visible/feel-able and the doc said well lets wait and see if the lump on your wrist resolves itself.. YEAH RIGHT LOL these docs are a joke..(then again theres only so much they can do at free clinics so I will give them a little slack) even the doggie docs on this planet are a joke.. we are in the twilight zone.
Ok so my best friend (dog) had high protein levels on her blood test but then the doc said she needs more expensive tests. I said I just paid $200 so u can tell me to give u more money b4 you can figure out whats wrong..so my poor dog has been getting tumors and stiff when walks. She is usually so happy and because she saw this happen to our other dog less than a year ago, she really tries hard to hide her pain. Guess she doesn't want to disappear like the other dog did. Its sad..anyway so I bought the B17 from Novodalin. About 2weeks ago I started giving her 1 pill a day for the 1st 10 days with slight improvement. I recently uped the dose to 1 1/2 per day and finally yesterday 2 a day (1 every 12hrs) and this morning most of the tumors are almost all gone. I noticed that they had stopped growing the first week and a couple got smaller. She has about six visible hard tumors or I should say had. However I don't know why my dogs walking isn't getting too much better..its just been getting worse. Today she seems better. She does have scoliosis but she has had that her whole life. The tumors are/were on her leg and belly. I can tell her tummy is bothering her. Gave her yogart, royal jelly, pepto and asprin this morning (probably also why she seems to feel better aside from the tumors going down). I had put turmeric and Reishi mushroom powder in her food bag but was concerned she was having a bad reaction, so I rinse her nuggets b4 giving them to her and she seems better. I also stopped giving her the shark cartilage because it seemed to coincide with her getting worse once I started giving it to her but I was also giving her the other stuff as well. So I stopped giving her the other supplements. Now im only giving her the B17 with olive oil, rice, spinach, artemis nuggets and sometimes oil of oregano. Ive given her asprin recently (but I don't like giving her asprin so I try not to unless she is just miserable). I am hoping to take her in for xrays soon so I can get a better idea of what to do next.. man I missed my calling lol I really should have gone to medical school. ah C'est la vie!
MY DOG showed high protein levels on a blood test. Doc said could be Cancer. I noticed that my dog had been very tired, panting hard and non active. I ordered novodalin b17. Right away I noticed a positive change in her energy and attitude. It's only been 10 days however the bumps under her skin which just kept getting bigger have stopped growing or have gotten smaller. I also gave her Noni and Reishi mushroom powder that 1st week and she got a bad case of diarrhea. After a process of elimination I have concluded that the Noni was the culprit. So I switched out the Noni for me dog and now give her shark cartiladge & turmeric instead. I sprinkled a small amount of The Reishi and turmeric in her bag of dry food and shook it up..that way i dont have to think about it or worry about forgetting. The b17 (1 pill a day thus far, start with 1/2 every 12 hours for first few days) seems to be mild on my dogs tummy but the reishi, turmeric may be a little harsher. Jurys still out on the Shark cartiladge but it is good stuff. I am taking all this stuff as well and I feel the best I have since this all began 3 years ago. I actually feel that someting Im taking now may be killing the last of the something in me which is super resilient. But only time will tell....seems like i got most of those horrible white things out of my scalp..whew! that was maddening, seriously..constant swirly wiggly movement under the skin.. I MEAN MY GOD.. I never thought it would stop. I still have like 5% - 8% activity remaining but I barely notice it..YAY!
I FINALLY GOT AN XRAY AND GUESS WHAT??? .... it was normal..lol what did I expect? So i get there and of course the lump has moved and is barely visible/feel-able and the doc said well lets wait and see if the lump on your wrist resolves itself.. YEAH RIGHT LOL these docs are a joke..(then again theres only so much they can do at free clinics so I will give them a little slack) even the doggie docs on this planet are a joke.. we are in the twilight zone.
Ok so my best friend (dog) had high protein levels on her blood test but then the doc said she needs more expensive tests. I said I just paid $200 so u can tell me to give u more money b4 you can figure out whats wrong..so my poor dog has been getting tumors and stiff when walks. She is usually so happy and because she saw this happen to our other dog less than a year ago, she really tries hard to hide her pain. Guess she doesn't want to disappear like the other dog did. Its sad..anyway so I bought the B17 from Novodalin. About 2weeks ago I started giving her 1 pill a day for the 1st 10 days with slight improvement. I recently uped the dose to 1 1/2 per day and finally yesterday 2 a day (1 every 12hrs) and this morning most of the tumors are almost all gone. I noticed that they had stopped growing the first week and a couple got smaller. She has about six visible hard tumors or I should say had. However I don't know why my dogs walking isn't getting too much better..its just been getting worse. Today she seems better. She does have scoliosis but she has had that her whole life. The tumors are/were on her leg and belly. I can tell her tummy is bothering her. Gave her yogart, royal jelly, pepto and asprin this morning (probably also why she seems to feel better aside from the tumors going down). I had put turmeric and Reishi mushroom powder in her food bag but was concerned she was having a bad reaction, so I rinse her nuggets b4 giving them to her and she seems better. I also stopped giving her the shark cartilage because it seemed to coincide with her getting worse once I started giving it to her but I was also giving her the other stuff as well. So I stopped giving her the other supplements. Now im only giving her the B17 with olive oil, rice, spinach, artemis nuggets and sometimes oil of oregano. Ive given her asprin recently (but I don't like giving her asprin so I try not to unless she is just miserable). I am hoping to take her in for xrays soon so I can get a better idea of what to do next.. man I missed my calling lol I really should have gone to medical school. ah C'est la vie!
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